Yoga for You

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Yoga For You

Yoga is an opportunity to move with space and grace.

Breathing fully. Paying attention to the subtle pause between your inhale and your exhale.

Together we will explore the softening of our edges; edges that can become toughened by stress, trauma or the hectic pace of daily life.

Together we will find spaciousness: physically, mentally, and energetically to counter the clutter of everyday expectations.

Together we look to connect with the parts of ourselves that we may otherwise forget, neglect or even ignore.

This is a totally non-judgemental practise, held with compassionate grace, for your human body to turn up, as it is, in each moment.

Join me, roll out your mat…

Show up for YOU!

Classes with Muna

The Yoga classes I offer weave together embodied dynamic flow, energetic  breath practices with restorative yoga, with my own personal commitment to ease, space and nourishment.

Making time to practice yoga regularly can:

enhance your health

increase strength, flexibility, and balance

reduce symptoms of stress, depression and anxiety

support improved breathing and lung function

build endurance and increase resilience (mental and physical)

Yoga invites you into mindful relationship with your body. With an emphasises on being fully present in each moment, I incorporate breathing exercises, meditation and postures that offer relaxation and awareness; allowing you to listen in and explore your body’s moment-to-moment experience, without focusing on achieving goals or poses. Expect a calm and diligently held space, a light, playful delivery style and plenty of love and encouragement.

Classes are held regularly at

Shirley House  31 Psalter Ln, Nether Edge, Sheffield S11 8YL

See the Schedule for an up-to-date listing of class times.


Bespoke One-on-One Sessions

At its origins, Yoga was taught one-on-one, as an instructional conversation between a Student and a Teacher. In honour of this tradition, I am delighted to offer bespoke sessions with the same dynamic. Working with me privately is a wonderful investment in yourself and your practice. These sessions are utterly bespoke and can take place in a variety of locations.

Practice types – Your bespoke classes will be tailored to suit you, from the wide range of practices and teachings I am experienced in. Taking into account your aims, likes and dislikes I will create something that meets the specific needs of your body, at this time.

Teacher-Student Exchange – As we begin working together, your feedback will be an integral part of the process. I invite you to be open about how the journey is progressing for you so we can continue to adapt the practise to ensure it is exactly what is needed.

Home Practice – I will provide you with a unique yoga practice to follow, at home, in between sessions; allowing you to maintain momentum and stay connected to the journey even when we aren’t together.

Time and Cost to suit you – The length and cost of these sessions is entirely based on the content, which in turn reflects your needs; so we can work together to ensure both length and cost are manageable and affordable for your circumstances.

Private Group Sessions

Bring a group of friends, teammates or family together to enjoy the many benefits of Yoga practice.

I facilitate the opportunity for you to experience Yoga in an intimate group setting, including whomever you chose to invite.

Whether for a special one-time occasion (such as a reunion, retreat, or celebration) or as an on-going weekly practice (at your home, work or in a yoga studio) I will work with you to provide the perfect yoga experience.

Like the One-to-One sessions these Group sessions are tailored to suit your needs and the experience levels of the entire group. If an ongoing practice is desired, we will work together to ensure the journey is clear and engaging for all.

To book classes or for information on any bespoke options, get in touch via the contact page or by email