Yoga at Work

Yoga At Work

Are you ready to invest in  the wellbeing of your staff?
Do you want to implement a wellness program at your workplace?

Yoga’s movement, meditation and breathing practices all help to release tension and stress, clearing out the mental clutter, leaving you more mindful, alert and focused.

Experience of simple yoga postures, mindful breathing and relaxation techniques would provide your staff with a space to reconnect with their passion, their drive and a well of energy to draw from to achieve your company goals.

Yoga in the work place is a wonderful way to navigate and release stress and strain caused by a hectic schedule. Incorporating a wellbeing practice can bring balance to the working environment.

Yoga in the workplace also provides an opportunity for staff to connect with one another, experiencing something new and nourishing, that reflects their needs as humans and reminds them that they are more than just employees.

These bespoke sessions combine the needs and goals of your staff with a holistic approach to their workplace wellbeing.

Book me for one-off workshops or regular Yoga classes and invite the following into your workplace:

Improved concentration & focus 
Increased creativity
Increased Positivity & Morale
Increased Energy
Reduced  mental fatigue
Alleviation of some physical ailments/discomfort (especially good for those who spend long periods of time in a single position)
Reduced stress
Connection and pride in the team

To enquire about Yoga at Work sessions for your staff please use the contact form or drop me an email